Monday, February 9, 2009

Love/Hate Obama

No I didn't vote for the guy. And I don't really agree with most of his political stances. And I think he is a bit green to be running the country. But I have also agreed with some of the things he has said. Or appreciated some statements (like his call out to all religions and non-religious folk). But this 'Stimulus' bill has me pissed.

Not so much that it is being proposed. I mean, I disagree with most of it and I dislike that they are using this bill as a smokescreen to push through a bunch of government spending and non-stimulus related legislation. But that isn't what has me pissed. What has me riled up is how the President is calling out the Reps. for not insta-passing this bill.

Why am I pissed? Because the whole POINT of our system is to make sure we don't just ram legislation through. You know, checks and balances? So I am pissed that the guy leading the country thinks we should just rush legislation (that we will be paying for DECADES to come) without a bit of debate. This isn't a dictatorship Mr. Obama. And not everyone voted for you. Those reps you are calling out DO in fact represent people who think differently than you. It is their JOB to oppose you when you try and do things that don't represent the best interests of their voters.

Yes, a majority of Americans that voted picked you. But oddly enough most Americans DON'T support this bill. As of last week it was down to only 37%. That means that not only do people that didn't vote for you not like it. But so do a good portion of people who do. So quit trying to bully people into passing one of the most important bills this year.

if this is going to be how he does things....tattles on anyone that don't agree with him. Well, we are in for a ride people.