Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My thoughts on tipping

I am generally a good tipper. Unless someone sucks, I am always at least 15% if not 20%. Now, certain things I don't understand why we bellmen. I mean, it's not like they carry the bags any differently than I would. And I don't know why we don't tip other jobs. Like some retail person who gives great service.

But recently, as I have been frequenting Waffle House, I decided to change how I thought about the ammount of a tip. See, if I go to Outback and get good service, I will be giving that person about 4 bucks for just myself. But if I go to Waffle House and get the same level of service, and I stick to my 20%, they may get a buck or possibly 2. So half as much for the same level of service. And if I went to someplace really snazzy, the tip could be as much as 10 bucks. But that doesn't mean the service was 5x better than my Waffle House girl.

So, I have been tipping based solely on service, not a %. I guess it's lucky for expensive places that I don't eat at those places. Because they won't get as much. I can tell you this, the ladies at the House, and the dude that delivers my pizza LOVE this new tipping system. I generally get my pizza in record time now.


Unknown said...

This is a very interesting concept. I wonder why more people don't do this?

T.H. Elliott said...

I love that this is labeled your mother. I tried tipping like that before, but it works out weird sometimes. For instance, if you have a $10 meal, and the service is great, you don't really want to tip a huge amount.

Sghoul said...

If you look back, Todd, you'll see that all of my posts should be labeled "Your Mother".

As for the ammout...what you can afford is always an issue. Tip less when you have less money. DUH!

Anonymous said...

You sound like your brother.

My argument to him is that the servers at the expensive place tend to have to have a bit more knowledge of the menu. Maybe they are also required to wear nicer clothes. Possible causing them to have greater cleaning bills. Not to mention the level of cleanliness at a nice establishment. The servers are generally the ones doing all the side work. The nicer the place, the more work the servers have to do on the back end.
