Friday, November 9, 2007

Start it off with a bang!

So, I am going to start this  blog off with a topic that will upset most folk.  Children.  Since so many people have them, they won't like what I am saying.  But I wanna say it!

I used to want children...badly.  Now, not so much.  As I have had so many new people around me have children, they have degraded that desire to almost nothing.  Why?  Because I don't want to suddenly be lobotomized simply because my sperm fertilizes an egg.

I have watched numorous people...once logical, turn into gibbering idiots because of the arrival of a creature that basically exists to eat and poop, with crying in between.  Sure, eventually it turns into something that can, you know, DO things.  But these people don't wait until then to start fawning over the thing.
From day one it controls them.  Even the most normally hard nosed people submit to its will and begin spoiling it right away.

What's interesting is that most of them are clear headed enough to be able to look outward and say "wow, we have such a kid centric culture...that's messed up!" or "I sure don't want to spoil my kid like everyone else does."  Then, five minutes later they are buying candy for the kid or planning some new outfit for a thing that can't even walk yet, or perusing the web for a toy that the child won't really appreciate to give as a mid summer gift...thus ensuring the child assumes that it will always get gifts simply for existing.  How does this NOT spoil a child?!

They always say something to the effect of "When you have your own, you'll understand."  How does that make it ok?  I don't WANT to be crushed by my biological urges.  If I was ok with giving in to instinct, I would run around in the woods and hump women when they were in heat.  But generally we acknowledge that we are above instinct.  We are supposed to be creatures of free will.  But that seems to go out the window for children.  People become baby-zombies (not undead babies, but people who become braindead droolers in the presence of children).

Here's some rules to try and live by:

1) This is your child, not a doll or show dog.  There is NO good reason for dressing them up in "outfits" aside from selfishly wanting to draw out a few "awwww, they're so cute!"'s.  And, since your child can barely talk, let alone understand the ramifications of such a statement, you are doing this purely for yourself.  And that is pretty wasteful.

2) Your child does not need fancy toys with lots of lights and sound.  Especially not 50 different kinds.  Now, sure people will give them as presents....after the first 2-3, start exchanging them for diapers and formula.  But by giving your kid access to a ton of diffeffering things you are establishing that THEY rule and get to choose what they want at any given moment...not to mention probably increaing the likelyhood that they will have some kind of fake ADD, where they never learn to focus because they have never HAD to.

3) Your baby isn't special.  Yes, everyone will say how cute they are.  But, almost ALL babies are cute.  Even babies in other species!  And even if your baby was ugly, no one is going to tell you that...except maybe me.  But, again, throwing out all these photos of your child dressed in a costume that they don't even know what they are or what they are doing when they say "trick or treat" is, again, a waste of time and money.  You are just trying to gratify yourself.  You are fishing for compliments.

4) Don't buy them shit if it isn't for a reason.  Just because it's tuesday is not a reason to buy your kid a toy.  Just because they ASKED is even LESS of a reason.  This is practically the definition of spoiling a child.  They don't need that toy.  Never.  That candy is not a necessity (and it just increases the likelyhood of us continuing to have the fattest kids in the world).  At best, buying them toys is a way for you to continue to be lazy so you don't have to deal with a whining child.

5) Your child should NOT be the center of your universe.  Yes, they are important.  Yes, they are valuable.  But nothing should ever be so important to your life that you end up basing your worth on it (except you know, God, if you are religious).  When something, ANYTHING, becomes that, it's an addiction or obsession.  And, don't we normally consider that a bad thing?  Your life should be solid and happy without your child...not defined by your child.  Because they are going to get sad or mad or unhappy.  And not every time they do will it require you to do anything.  Wanting to stay up late or they will cry is not a reason for you to cave.  Life is sometimes disappointing.  You can't always save them from it.  But if you always try to...and crumble when you can't, you aren't much of a parent for them.

6) You job is NOT to make your child happy.  That is their job.  Your job is to raise them well so they are more likely to suceed at said happiness in the long run.  If you fawn over them and cave to them, how are you in any way preparing them for life? In the real world they are nothing speical.  Everyone else has their kids they think are special too.  They need to learn they they aren't the center of things.  But if you establish that, you have failed as a parent.

7) They are not your friend.  Or at least, not your friend first.  Child first, friend whenever that doesn't get in the way of you doing your job.

8) Your child is not a tiny adult.  They do not have experience or have done anything to earn trust or respect.  They shouldn't call adults by their first name.  They shouldn't feel that they can impose themselves on adults or adult conversations.  And most of all, you shouldn't trust you child over an adult unless you have good reason to believe otherwise.

Well, enough of my rant.  In general, I will be fine.  I have job security, since the upcoming kids will be so screwed up, employers will be begging for a person who doesn't think they are the best thing since sliced bread, and has learned to make friends and compromise with people.  And I won't have to deal with my children living with me until I die, since I didn't prepare them for the world.


Mary Lee said...

Wow KP. Do you feel better?

I agree with some of the thoughts in your blog. I probably would have packaged them differently though. Some things I don't agree with. But I also know you and know that refuting any of your opinions is akin to throwing gas on a fire, so I will refrain from doing so.

While I won’t refute your observations, in the spirit of the game… I’ll play. 

This post begs a question…
You state repeatedly that parents who do this myriad of things for their children are "fishing for compliments," “doing this purely for yourself,” or “trying to gratify yourself.” I fail to see how this is any different than what you are doing by posting a blog. Isn’t a blog simply “oozings from your head” that you consider to be valuable enough to share with your friends, family and the world at large?

Do I think that is a bad thing? No.
Do I draw insight from you sharing? Sure.
Do I think you are "fishing for compliments," “doing this purely for yourself,” or “trying to gratify yourself.” Kinda.

Actually, I don’t know that you are “fishing for compliments.” In your case, I would think you are trying to get a rise and provoke people for pleasure….

My question for your next blog would be… “which is more valuable to have in the scheme of things. Friends or opinions?” Or “which is more important? Being right or being a friend?” Just a thought…

Sghoul said...

The main difference being, here you are allowed to disagree. When someone uses their child to get attention, no one is really allowed to say "you know, that costume is stupid." or "You really wasted money buying you child an outfit that they will outgrow in a month".

As for being right/having friends, you will notice that I did not send this to almost any of my friends who have children. Not to mention, sometimes friends need a kick in the pants. Just like sometimes being a parent means upsetting your kids.

Unknown said...

Why can't being a friend and being right be one in the same? Why do we live in a society where, if you don't like someone, you can't tell them that?

I wish we lived in a world where I could say, "Do you like me as a person," and if that person truly didn't like me they could say, "No, not really," and I would not, in any way, be offended. I asked for their opinion, and they gave it.

Some people say there are times when it's OK to to tell a fib. You know they would get offended if you told someone (after they asked for your opinion; there's a difference between forcing your opinion on someone and giving what is asked of you) they didn't look good in the outfit they're wearing; so just tell a fib and make them feel good. Why do we live in a society where they would get offended? Why can't they take my opinion as nothing more than that and actually THANK me for being honest?

A true friend will tell you when you have a booger hanging out of your nose. I would be more offended that my "friend" said I looked OK when in fact I didn't. That tells me they're more interested in my not getting mad at them (which I wouldn't) then they are telling me what I really need to hear.

And to sum up, shouldn't we treat others the way we want to be treated? The world is what we make it, and if I want to live in a world where people can be open, truthful, and honest with each, without fear of insulting ("No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"), then I need to be open, honest, and truthful with people.

Unknown said...

To comment on the OP:
I'm moving away from wanting kids myself, but for a different reason. My kid would either end up like a great majority of kids, in which case I would probably end up in jail for pleading guilty to the murder of my child (not literally, but you catch my drift); or they would end up like me, and I would NEVER wish that upon anyone.

SuziCat said...

I find it interesting that you sent this to Shawn, who has spawned.

Ironically it's people like you who actually SHOULD have kids, because you would be an actual parent and PARENT the child, rather than let them take over their life.

It drives me nuts when people let their 3 year old control the conversation and actions of a group of grown people. My parents weren't like that. I listened politely and knew that wasn't my place.

It's all that "self esteem" hype that has taken over. Children shouldn't have high self esteem. They haven't done anything to EARN it yet.

And I don't dress my cats in silly outfits, and kittens (and even puppies and I'm not a dog person) are 100 times cuter than babies, who just look weird to me. Is it wrong that all of my "maternal" instinct only directs itself towards animals? And I have always been that way.

Okay, I'll stop my own rant now, ha.


Mary Lee said...

I did notice that it wasn't sent to people with children and I wondered why... I agree with Eric... I would want someone to tell me if they thought I was parenting poorly. If it would save my kid a lifetime of being screwed up, please-- bring it on! Perhaps you should share this in the interest of being a good friend.

Or if for no other reason than to get the opinion of people with children. Since they are on the other side of the fence, perhaps they can shed some light on some of your observations.

Sghoul said...

Oh, I know what the parent types will say...much like they are braindead when it comes to their kids...they can't take it when someone critisizes their parenting. Especailly from a single person.

Healthy Heather said...

So which category do I fall into? You tell me I am a great mom, but I do all of the things you just said are wrong with the world. I dressed my son in a Halloween costume and took his picture, I buy him cute outfits and revel in his cuteness (and the ensuing compliments), I buy him toys and enjoy seeing him challenged and having fun, and he is close to if not the center of my universe...he is my child. Every decision I make has some consideration for him because I am his mother and he is dependent on me for his well-being. I don't think there is anything wrong with enjoying the "community" aspect of parenting - the sharing of photos, the oohing and ahhing over Halloween costumes, reveling in the fun anectodes of friends about their kids, and indulging your child with something unnecessary but nonetheless fun for your child are all part of being a parent. If these things are offensive to you then I won't include you in them. There are parents out there who regularly over-indulge and thus turn their children into brats, but as long as there is a healthy dose of discipline and boundaries in a household, I think we're all just doing the best we can.

So which am I, the mom you tell me I am or the mom you tell everyone else I am?