Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympics I scoff at you *scoff scoff*

I have never understood the Olympics. It contains almost entirely sports that no one usually watches. So why, every four years, do people suddenly care. The only time I liked these sports was playing 'Summer Games' on my C64.

Most of the sports aren't even competative in the way that I usually think about a sport. You can't do anything to hinder your opponent. It's basically you against the clock. Or you against some judges' arbitrary scoring system. Sure, the other people racing may drive you to push harder, but they can't actually slow you down.

Most of all, it has become such a waste. The ammount of money wasted so that some person can dedicate their lives to swiming in a straight line...really? With all the people complaining about poverty in this coutry, how is paying so some guy can swim all the time a good expendature of money?

I know some people will tout how it builds spirit and gives people hope. Seriously? If you need some tiny girl who can do flips really well to uplift you, you really should take a look at yourself. How does her flipping in any way make your life better?

The Olymipics are only good if they have Animal or Lyaff in front of them.


T.H. Elliott said...

I hate the Olympics. People always think it's more important to watch that than anything else that comes on, like Scrubs re-runs.

E. Peterman said...

I love the Olympics. Sure, the spectacle is tacky and expensive, but I love just seeing what the human body is capable of. Synchronized diving, gymnastics, etc., is fascinating to me. If you're not in awe of Michael Phelps' swimming ability or what an elite gymnast can do in mere seconds ... man, I don't know what to say about that. We watched the American relay swim team smoke the French, and it was thrilling.

The Irredeemable Shag said...

So I don't really have any comments on the validity of the Olympics or not.

However, I gotta give you props for mentioning "Summer Games" for the Commodore 64! Love the Pole Vaulting! And three cheers for Laffa-Lypics!

You clearly can tell where my priorities are.

The Irredeemable Shag

Lyza Lynne said...

I hadn't watched any of the Olympics yet until this morning with my kids home. All I have to say is... SERIOUSLY?!?!?!!? BADMITTON IS AN OLYMPIC SPORT?!?!?!?

Unknown said...

Okay, badmitton should not be an olympic sport, but many of the other events have their merits. I too am in awe of the human form and the way it evolves from years of specialized training. It facinates me to see how different the body of a marithon runner is from a gymnast or a swimmer's from a shot-put thrower. To see the extremes of our capabilities as a species, something we rarely see in our day to day lives, is for lack of a more succinct expression...beautiful.

I believe the games help to provide good will, lower cultural walls & differences, and facilitate a peaceful coexistence for all of humanity. As proof of what such games can do look back at ping pong/table tennis between the US and China during Nixon's presidency.

But SGhoul is of the opinion poverty is a real concerned versus the waste that is the olympic games. Well, in that case why don't we also burn down the art museums and ban music education. They too do nothing for poverty or the many other ails of our world. Just like video games waste electricty and divert creative people away from working on solving the worlds problems.

My take on it... I like video games and I plan on watching some more of the olympic games.

Sghoul said...

Choice between the two, yes. If the choice is between feeding a human being and a building to house painting...feed the person.

As I said, I just don't get it. Sure, there are some amazing physical specimens. But that's nothing new for humans. When a human is given the opportunity to do NOTHING but one specific activity they can become quite amazing at that one thing. So what? We've been doing that for a long time.

On top of that, the events are dull. If they were actually exciting you wouldn't wait 4 years to watch. There would be franchise swiming teams and superbowls for pole vaulting.

As for the goodwill, I don't see how watching some girls tumble on a mat suddenly makes you forgive a nation for child sweatshops. If it did every four years would usher in a new bright age. But the truth is that a week or so later, everyone forgets and goes back to disliking whomever they did for whatever reason they did.

Unknown said...

It's funny you mention how if an event was popular it would have franchises and be contested on a regular basis. Here's why I say funny. Baseball and softball are the first two events scheduled to be dropped after the 29th Olympiad, something that hasn't happened since the 1930's.

Yes, China has several major and sever problems which it desperately needs to correct. I said friendly competition can be a diplomatic force to facilitate communication by way of a common ground. Otherwise our numerous and varied differences might never be overcome and progress achieved.

What the athlets do does not stop me from seeing what their individual governments do, nor do I see any reason the acts of a nation should be held against it's athletes. If anything all nations are agreeing to be held to the same standards to see who's the best; something rarely if ever achieved in the "real" world.

E. Peterman said...

It's important to remember that it's not a zero-sum game. Billions of dollars are wasted daily on lots of things, but even if they weren't, people would still be hungry, homeless, etc. One man's dull is another man's thrilling. It's all relative. I've talked to a couple of people who now want to visit China. China's human rights record is appalling, but it's also a vast, fascinating country. We've got our own problems.

Sghoul said...

Again, if it is so thrilling, why aren't you watching it all the time? I am willing to bet you haven't been to any HS or College swim meets.

The thing is, the Olympics is just a global pep rally. Get everyone psyched over something they don't really care about. And when it's over you go back to not really caring.

You can clamor about how cool it is all you want. But saying Swimming is exciting is like saying Nascar is exciting. It's the same thing. A repetitious activity just to see who is fastest. And I happen to know that many people will balk at Nascar because of how boring and repititious it is. "Just driving in circles". Well, most Olympic sports are the same.

It's not like some javelin thrower changes things up and uses a different tactic. They just throw it as hard/far/smoothe as they can. Same as the guy before him and after him. Just happens to be that he is slightly better than the other guy.

Before a month ago, most people didn't even know who most of these athletes are...because what they do didn't interest most people until the Olympics came...then suddenly it because interesting. I don't buy it. It's hype. If it were actually good, for four years the nation would be watching the move of every possible olympian. There would be Fantasy Track teams. People would debate the merits of each person.

But almost no one does. matter of fact, some years even less people care than usual. Until we get a star...then everyone goes nuts. But if it was about simply watching top human potential and people with discipline, people wouldn't need to wait until their country produces a star. they would get behind whatever top folks are out there.

But I sure don't hear anyone clamoring for some awesome German or Japanese athlete.

Healthy Heather said...

So what you are saying is that in order for someone to have an appreciation for something, they have to be a complete fanatic? I don't see you quitting your job to sit at home and play Rock Band...does that mean you are a fraud in your appreciation for the game? And to reference the mechanics of what goes into training for a particular event (re: your assessment of a javelin thrower), just because you don't see the nuances of difference between them does not mean they do not exist. I think you are just envious to see people attemping something you are afraid to do - trying be good at something that is important to them. And if you delete this comment like you did my last one, I will know that is true.

E. Peterman said...

Why can't you just admit that this is merely a strong opinion, and not a statement of fact? You think Rock Band is fun and exciting, right? Well, saying that Olympic-level swimming is dull/boring/pointless is no different from an uninterested or uninformed person ripping on Rock Band, a brilliant graphic novel, RPG, or anything else that you and I and millions of other people legitimately enjoy. I don’t understand how anyone could derive enjoyment from Celine Dion's music, hockey or “Friends” reruns. But lots of people do, and that doesn’t make them all unthinking sheep, no matter how much pleasure I might get out of thinking so. The great thing about blogging is that it allows you to share your opinions and passions with the world. But if your first instinct is to invalidate every viewpoint that contradicts or challenges yours, what’s the point?

Healthy Heather said...

Hey, never underestimate the feel-good power of a nice old "Friends" Thanksgiving rerun. :)

Agreed - might as well turn off the comments on your blog if you are going to dispute or remove the ones you don't like.

Sghoul said...

Please don't tell me how to use my blog.  Anyone that knows me knows I like to argue.  So If I choose to do so on my own forum (one that no one makes you come to) then I will.As for the deletion of Captain McPersonal Attack's post, I did so because it was basically just that; an attack.  Not even an attack on my opinion, but on my spelling.  Since this poster generally doesn't make snipy comments for the sake of jokes or ribbing, I assumed that it was of malicious intent so O deleted it.  If it was meant in fun, I am sorry I deleted it.I get that people can like swimming in general.  This isn't about them.  It's about people who NEVER watch swimming, but suddenly act like swimming is SO amazing because of the Phelps Hype.  And in a few weeks they will go back to ignoring swimming.I have people I work with that have been watching certain events like crazy.  But they watch every country and appreciate every person.  And in a month they will STILL be watching those kinds of events.  Because they actually like them.I am plenty capable of acknowledging someone's skill or talent in something.  But if that event is something I don't enjoy normally, watching someone who is better at it doesn't generally change the event.Chess Grandmasters are amazing, but I find chess boring.  But if some phenom of chess came along you wouldn't suddenly see me glued to the TV saying "did you just see that gambit he just used?!".  But that is what happening with the olympics.Listen, I like to argue and/or debate.  And obviously some of YOU felt the need to stick up for your side in this or you would have just posted your first post and then went on your merry way.