Monday, January 12, 2009

Cats and Dogs

A recent teasing of a friend about cats made me start thinking about them. And dogs. Anyone that knows me knows that I prefer dogs. I probably would never own a cat unless I had a SO who had/wanted one. Now, I don't really have a thing against cats. I just don't get them as a pet compared to just about any other non-social pet (by this I mean animals that would prefer to be solitary in nature).

To me, a cat cares little for its 'master' beyond itself. "Free food and shelter? Yeah I'll pal up with this person...WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT." Whereas a dog to me is more like a companion. Someone who wants your attention and affection, whenever it can have it. Someone who will protect you. Someone who actually likes you for you, not just what you can do for them.

Of course, I'm biased. My family (immediate and extended) always had dogs. My friends were dog people. At least until more recently. Then I started making friends with cat people. Weirder still (when it first happened years ago) was that some of these cat people! When I was younger I had always equated men with dogs and women with cats. So much for THAT sterotype.

At any rate, I started trying to think of what traits in common these people had. Gender wasn't it. I could tease some of my cat people guy friends and say masculinity. But that's not really true. I could say upbringing (most likely), as in what they grew up with. But I don't actually know everyone's past like that. And the evil cynic in me wants to say that my cat friends are all too tied up in themselves to want a pet that requires attention and work. But that doesn't stand up at ALL, since I am a lazy sack and I had a dog.

Then, today, I saw a link. Superficial to be sure, but it holds true in my TINY world at the moment. It seems that my dog friends tend to be more conservative. My cat friends are all pretty liberal.

So, if there was actually a link, what would it be? Sghoul Brain GO!

Cat People: They see no problem with having someone with wealth/resources have their hard earned wealth taken and given to people who have done nothing to earn it, don't appreciate it, and may piss on you after it is given to them.

But, I can do this to 'my people' too.

Dog People: Have no qualms about having someone less privledged/powerful as them under their thumb, kissing their butts, and rolling over whenever they are told.

Seriously would be cool to see if any kind of studies have been done about the psychology of chosing a cat or dog. Also, everything here is a generalization. There are cats that come when called, and dogs that ignore their owners.

What do ya'll think?


lessthan12parsecs said...

Not ALL your cat friends. Guy, cat person, conservative.

I would also be a dog person if I could too. I have not had the room to be a dog person. If I was going to get a dog, I would want a nice sized, fenced in place for he/she to run around in. Not be stuck indoors all day. You can get away with that with cats. The one time in my life I had room for a dog was the year with my ex-wife, but we could never find one in the shelter that she could agree on. Note the Ex part.

For me it is not a matter of owning something that will obey me. I get my cats from the shelter, so I feel like I am getting some good karma out of it...Xenu knows, I need it.

For me and my family ( I grew up with cats) it has been a matter of choosing what would be best for a pet. A dog would have been miserable, cats have fit the home life.

T.H. Elliott said...

I always thought I was pretty liberal, but I think I'm conservative on some things. I've always wanted a dog, but grew up with cats. Also, our cats almost always want attention, and get upset when we aren't in the same room as them. They don't really want petting, just us to be there.

Unknown said...

You have just discovered the flaw in gross generalizations. 8^)

There are various reasons one person would own a cat or dog or fish or bird or lizard or sex slave so establishing an underlining link that defines a person based on their pet choice does not in any way categorize people's politics.


Unknown said...


or grammar.