Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I want my Daria

Anyone who has known me for awhile has probably heard me mention Daria. I don’t bring it up a lot. But it is often at the back of my mind.

For those still wondering WTF I am talking about, it is a reference to the old MTV cartoon, Daria. It was a cartoon which focused on the life of a teenaged girl, bespectacled and cynical, and I loved it.

Now, cartoon aside, I kinda had a crush on Daria. I love the idea of a strong, intelligent, confident woman. One that knows what she likes and doesn’t care what other’s think. But at the same time, under all the witty banter, and high minded ideals, there still lies a girl.

Also, it doesn’t hurt that Daria has glasses. I love glasses. Not sure why. I guess I could go all oedipal and say that my mom had them. But, in order to save my sanity, I will discount that. Especially since she looked like a huge dork back then. I think it more likely that my brain buys in to the stereotype of glasses=smart. And I like smart women. I mean, I would always pick Velma over Daphne. Always.

Also, glasses let a woman give you that look, where they look over their glasses at you. Very sexy. It allows a woman to have a ‘stare’ without actually needing to have one naturally. And a woman who already has one? Man, if Nicole Kidman ever gave me one of those arched eyebrow stares over the brim of a pair of glasses…I think I would need a change of boxers. Add some double pigtails to the mix and you may as well burn whatever room I was in at the time. You’ll never be able to get it clean again.

Wow, that went somewhere I didn’t expect. Anywho, yes, Daria girls. I like women smart, funny, clever, and having chosen a style that works for them. I know that some people out there may be wondering why it took a cartoon character to figure that kind of thing out. Wish I could tell you.

Now, I don’t feel like that narrows me down too much, as far as what I want in a woman. I just know that I need someone I can banter with. Someone who is smart enough to appreciate many things in life, from cartoons about a talking milkshake and meatball to documentaries on the wild west. Someone who is confident in who they are and doesn’t need for me to save them, yet still wants me to be there to hug when the world gets her down and the little girl in her is scared.

She doesn’t need to look at the stupidity of the world and do all negative like I do. Probably better that she doesn’t. But she does need to be able to see it.

She doesn’t need to be totally hot. I just need to look at her, and think how lucky I am.

Also, she needs to be amazing in bed….yet having very low expectations.

Most of all, I want to find someone whom, when I say 'You are my Daira' will understand what all that means to me.


E. Peterman said...

Daria is the shit. There is no room for debate about this.

And girls who wear glasses are pretty awesome.

Healthy Heather said...

Give it up for the glasses girls.

I totally related to Daria as a teenager. Sometimes I still do, even though I am cute and perky now. LOL