Friday, May 23, 2008

Sounds like some women are on the rag

So, on the radio, apparently Clinton supporters are crying “sexism”. That poor old Hillary is treated unfairly because of sexism. Now, I ain’t gonna say that isn’t true. May well be.

What I find funny about it is that her largest voting block is all women. Heck, whenever someone is defending her: woman. So, isn’t that also sexism? Her supporters picking her BECAUSE she is a woman? How is that any different than people not supporting her because she is a woman?

What was really sad is that one of the Clinton groups said that if Obama gets the nomination, they will switch to supporting McCain. WTF? So, you believe in democratic principles, but if your party decides to put Obama in office, you’ll switch to supporting A) someone who DOESN’T support your views and B) a MAN (just like Obama).

Pretty stupid…or maybe they are racist.


E. Peterman said...

Hillary is broken. Seriously, she alienated me fairly early in her campaign, not that I was ever that into her. I wanted Edwards, but I at least LIKE Obama. Clearly, they'll have to pry the nomination from her cold, dead hands.

Healthy Heather said...

I heard this on the radio this morning and really felt like they were just going to the most desperate point. Hilary is a smart woman. She should be better than this.

T.H. Elliott said...

I've met a lot of guys who would never vote for a woman, and who say she wouldn't be a good president because she would nuke Iran if she was on the rag.

It's amazing that people are still that small minded. I don't think she should drop out, that's the whole point of a race.

There are a lot of women that don't like her though.

The Irredeemable Shag said...

I think there is nothing wrong with supporting a woman candidate. I just feel that Hilary isn't the candidate for me, regardless of her sex.

The folks that would switch to McCain rather than Obama are just being child-like. They are saying if they don't get their way, they'll take their toys and play with the other kids. They are trying to threaten the Democratic party by suggesting they won't get their votes for Obama. What a royal pain.

The November election would have been a breeze for the Democrats if they had gotten their crap together early on and supported just one candidate. This long protracted battle between two candidates has injured both candidates and given the Republicans time to build support for their single candidate. Uggghh.