Friday, May 23, 2008

The VP may actually be useful soon!

This yea, more than ever, I will be looking more at the vice presidential candidates, than the presidential.

As my blog notes clearly state, I am a pessimist. Because of this, I feel that there is a very strong possibility that if McCain becomes president, he will have health issues. Now that isn’t such a huge deal. But on the democratic side…well, either Hillary or Obama…I think there is a strong possibility we will have a presidential assassination on our hands. More so with Obama. This country is too full of hate filled morons. It’ll happen.

So, pay close attention to the VP candidates…they may well be running things soon.


E. Peterman said...

I sincerely hope you're wrong about Obama if he's elected. But the realist in me knows that we share a world with trigger-happy racists and militia types. An Obama/Edwards ticket would make me SO happy, but I don't know that Edwards wants to be second banana. Even if he has a shot (no pun intended) at being president because of the circumstances.

Healthy Heather said...

Then it looks like Hillary is covering her bases...

The Irredeemable Shag said...

I'm with EDP. I would have liked a Obama/Edwards ticket. From what I've heard, Edwards has already said he doesn't want to be VP.

I also heard there is a good chance that McCain will pick Christ for his VP.

The Irredeemable Shag