Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Japan+Sghoul= Problems

I have long had a 'thing' for Japan and Japanese culture. From fudal Japan to modern Anime. But my research has brought me to a problem that I may just not be able to get around: The Japanese don't like sarcasm.

How is a guy who is basically formed from distilled sarcasm supposed to visit a country that doesn't really like appreciate it? One site made it sound like sarcasm is the equivalent of piking them in the eye or something.

I guess I just won't talk to anyone. Which would probably be a good idea here too.


Lyza Lynne said...

Do you have plans to go to Japan soon?

Sghoul said...

I wanna in the next year or so.

T.H. Elliott said...

I'm sure they wouldn't understand the sarcasm unless they spoke English pretty good. Do you speak Japanese well enough to be sarcastic?