Monday, December 15, 2008

Women+Hair: From a guy

In watching 30 Rock (I'm a new convert) there is a point where Alec Baldwin's character is talking to Tina Fey's, talking about her growing up. He says something to the effect of: 'You're going to get the urge to cut your hair short. Resist that urge.'

It really did make me think. I know quite a few women that have. and that urge goes up as they get older. I know I don't know anything about dealing with long hair. Mind you some of women's hassles in that area are self inflicted, as they refuse to let their hair be natural. But women tend to look better with long hair. With all of the things women do to try and look better, I am confounded why they would chop off one of our culture's more prevalent female 'things'.

So, in short, ladies: If you actually care what guys think of how you look, grow your hair longer.


Lyza Lynne said...

When I was looking to move into a career in IT, I was told "you'll have to cut your hair to look more professional" by a well-meaning friend. I said if they judged my professionalism by the length of my hair, I didn't want to work there. Thankfully, my friend was wrong and they hired me anyway. I refuse to cut my hair just because someone else wants me to. I'll probably be one of those gradmas with long grey hair.:)

T.H. Elliott said...

I guess it all depends on whether or not you like long hair. I like the occasional hot chick with short hair. But she's got to be hot to pull it off.

Sghoul said...

Another one bites the dust. A gal friend at work, who has the cutest shoulder length ginger hair has decided to whack it off. And she was rather indignant when I expressed my sadness at the possibility of seeing her hair go.

I think lady-brains don't work right.