Monday, December 22, 2008

Toot Toot!

Bragging time. Ok, part brag, but more so that I am proud of myself. Anyone that knows me knows I can be pretty selfish much of the time. Both on a personal level, and to society as a whole. These last few months have been slightly different.

1) Increased (significantly) my contribution to . for those that don't know, Child's Play was started by the guys at Penny Arcade. I was originally a way to show that world that us violent video game players could also be pretty nice. Since that day, it has raised millions of dollars (this year will likely see 1.5+ million...most so far even durning the economic issues) to buy hospitals video games for kids. Not just for the fun of it, but apparently kids with games require less pain medication, and possibly recover quicker.

2) Sent an old friend of mind presents for his kids to help bolster their Christmas. It's someone I just reconnected with, so I don't even know his kids, but it felt good to make sure they had a good Christmas.

3) This fall I donated to NPR. This is something I listen to all the time, but have been too lazy to bother to call. I made myself do it this year!

4) I let your mom cancel her appointment with me on Christmas day so she could spend time with her family.

Ok, so I'm not perfect. But I'm getting better.

1 comment:

T.H. Elliott said...

Can you do automatic donations to Child's Play?

Thanks for letting Mom off the hook.