Friday, September 5, 2008

I hate our political parties

You know, I hate parties in general. Why can't people just run? Do we need to polarize everything? Of course we do. How do you manipulate and control people without a group to get them to belong to?

I guess I am conservative. But I am NOT a republican. I'm not really a libertarian, despite agreeing with much of what they want. No one party embraces what I believe fully. If I vote Rep, they push their religious adgenda and pro-life/anti-stem cell stuff. If I vote Dem, they take my stuff and give it to other people and take away any sort of personal responsibily for how my life is.

I don't really like either option. And if forced to pick one, it would end up being about other things such as Obama's total lack of any real experience or McCain's age/replacement.

I think the problem is that we haven't REALLY had a good presidential candidate in a while (in the final running). Sure we have charisma and leadership from folks like Clinton (Bill) or Obama. We have experinece and conviction from people like McCain or Dole. But we don't have the mix. Worse, we usually don't have humility. I don't honestly feel like any of them want to SERVE. They have an agenda they want to push forward. People like them, sure. But I bet, if you never saw a picture or heard them talk...just read about what they did before being a president (facts, not manipulative prose), very few modern presidents would have made it to office.

I would love a president who, when faced with an issue, met with experts (of different walks) and passed that info on to the people. Make a choice from broad knowledge. Not becuase one advisor (who is usually a party advisor) tells me something.

When it comes down to it, I'm scared. Scared that our country is going to turn into all the other countries I have no desire to live in. Then where do I go? Suck it up, give my money to the government, pay twice as much for stuff, and sign my freedoms away? Hope some state with ideals like mine decides to susceed (sp)? try and make a difference despite the fact that most people make up their minds about issues before they even have facts?

Maybe governments rotate. China is starting to embrace capitalism, giving its people back their power. While we are leaning more and more on ours, and Europe is heavily dependant on them (with some countries stagnating and/or running into money issues).

Or maybe I should invest in some cheap land in the Arctic, which will beach front property thanks to global warming. Well, aside from the ice caps having actually grown in the past year. guess I need to burn some styrofoam to move things along.


Unknown said...

Ah, yes. You're almost there. Just one more epiphany and I think you'll be ready. Then we can really talk. 8^)


Unknown said...

On a side note it's called 'out group', 'in group' thinking and has been used for centuries (and really since recorded time) to separate and control societies and groups of people.

Our two party system is just a really distilled version and implementation of that idea.

T.H. Elliott said...

I gotta go with you on most of that. There are things that I like and hate about both parties. Is there a country out there that we could move to? And would we have all the freedoms we take for granted here? Sure, the system doesn't work, but maybe that's part of the point. Maybe the constant back and forth with nothing getting done is actually keeping us where the majority want to be.