Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Look at me, I'm hopping on the bandwagon!

I can't help it. I want to talk about Sarah Palin. So, I will.

I found out about this a lot earlier than I normally would. Friday Morning I get an email from McCain himself! Apparently the guy in my position before me was a McCain man, and signed up for this stuff, so now I get it.

Anyway, first impression...Sarah who? Gov. of WHICH state? So I turn on some news (which I rarely do). 10 minutes later, I like it. A few days later, I am confused. Media really paints her badly (perhaps rightly so). Yet, I still like her. Younger, attractive...we need a naughty librarian in the White House. I kinda feel bad about liking this move. Makes me feel sheep like. Especially since she is likely way to socially conservative than I would like. But in many ways, it is pretty savvy on the surface. Female (pick up those Clinton votes), young, far right (get those Evangelical votes). Most of all, it got people talking about the GOP (good and bad). No one I know cared about Obama's nomination of VP. He was a bland, safe pick. In the short term, it was a trump in that regard.

Then again, I probably don't have to worry about any of it, since I am likely to vote libertarian this year :)


T.H. Elliott said...

I still think there should have been an Obama/Clinton ticket. It would have solidified the whole change thing. Instead, now the Republicans get to say, see, we haz woman!

Unknown said...

Yeah, but do they know what to do with one?

Do women hang out in airport restrooms?

This is clearly a political ploy. Anything to win the election for McCain.

I would have said the same thing if Obama picked Hillary, especially after that nasty falling out. The fact that he didn't pick her says he won't just go along with the conventional wisdom. Picking her would have sweeped the entire election, but I don't think they really like each other and how is that going help someone lead the country?

So take your voting cue from an early point you brought up - Sghoul - it'll come down to the VP.

If Obama gets shot by some racist redneck and McCain goes down with cheek cancer which Veep is better suited to run the country? Palin who from all reports runs her state the way Cheney ran the CIA even though he wasn't part of the CIA he just had people who did his bidding and those people better have rewrote that report or else!, or Biden who from what I've heard his greatest sin recently(25 years ago) is that he said someone else's quote without citing his source in the MLA format?


On one hand Palin decided to have a child way past child barring age and that kid turned out downy but then again she'll put a gun in the hands of every citizen and outlaw abortion - because what the world needs is more unwanted people - but we really need more guns. Seriously.

On the other hand Biden is vanilla and doesn't have media scandalled news that can be reported unless you want to dig up his son. He's educated and seasoned in how Washington works. (Not necessarily a good thing, but then again being a governor isn't easy so getting things to run is still experience.) He also actually ran for President this go around because he wanted to be win. Palin just showed up because she has a working uterus. And guns. She has lots and lots of guns - especially in church with her Lord Jesus.

Because if Jesus stood for anything it's owning weapons to fight your enemy.

Sghoul said...

Man, did you read my post all the way through? I am likely not voting for McCain OR Obama.

Also, I don't think picking Hillary would have swept anything. Many of her supporters feel like Obama stole the nomination from her. Making her VP wouldn't have changed their minds on that. Not to mention, making her Vp would have been HORRIBLE in actual practice. They would have been in constant competition.

Not to mention, hade he picked her, there would be have been a new record for shortest time as Pres before assassination.

Also, I flat out said she is likely too socially conservitive for me. I totally respect her right to keep her child. She has the means and will to take care of it. And I also respect gun rights (even though I don't own one). But I don't like FORCING everyone to keep their child (mind you, she has said that in instances of the mother's life being threatened abortion is a viable option).

But your point about VP...if I had to choose between Palin or Biden to become Pres. I dunno. I don't think Biden would do or accomplish anything. That can be good or bad. So long as nothing major happened to the country, we would be ok. Palin however...I don't think she would do anything different than McCain would.

If I had to pick a party (luckily I don't...thank you other options!) I would pick Reps. I don't like or agree with socialism. I like for people to have responsibility for their own lives, not the government.

Sadly, both parties want to take freedom away from us. Whether it be the right to own a gun or to have an abortion, the right to own a gas guzzling car or the right to reseach stem cells...both sides want to tell us what is best for us.

Many people want that. I don't. I may end up poor and homeless, but at least it will be because of my choices, and not because big brother took care of me.

Unknown said...

I never read your actual posts I just reply. 8^)

Unknown said...

On a serious note it'll be interesting whoever wins - Rep or Dem - because we'll either have a black Prez or a woman VP. Either way it's a history changing event in American politics.

(Please ignore the fact that woman and blacks have been elected to the highest offices for decades in many other countries and it's not really a big deal anymore. We're just a little slower on the uptake it seems regarding our prejudices combined with our politics.)

Sghoul said...

I don't like compairing other cultures statistics with our, different, culture. I mean, it's not like we have been voting down a ton of women and/or black candidates. Would you say that Japan is horrible, seeing as they probably haven't had a single black person in office, like ever?

And yes, I am aware that Japan has almost not black people. That is my point. you have to take all factors into account. In our case, the only candidates that have been black up til now have been Sharpton and Jackson...neither of whom would have been good choices.

Unknown said...

I think the point is that America has a good mixture of different races and yet most of our leaders have been rich white males.

Only recently have women made headways into politics and yet Britian - a diverse culture - had Thatcher as Prime Minister like 20 years ago. Israel had a woman president back in the 70s and many other diverse cultures (that aren't homogenous like Japan, or pick any African nation) don't seem to get all bent out of shape at the idea that the person is a women or black only that they dislike that person's politics.

In America the first thing we notice is race and gender and then we notice politics.

Just an observation on our nation's growth is all. It's a throw back from 200 years of "All men are created equal..." as long as you were white male land owners. And sorry to say but that's the truth of history so don't go throwing political correctness around.

I just think it'll be a good step forward for us as a nation because recently we've been taking some steps back. Either way it's a win for the country - to some degree.