Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Science Lesson for the Day - Anatomy of a Woman

Since my last few posts have been so serious, and the next one I have planned is not only serious but rather personal, I decided to do something a bit lighter...but still personal.

The female anatomy :) If you asked most guys what part was their favorite part of a woman, it generally breaks down into three pieces: Breasts, Butt, Legs. So I am going to start there. If pressed to pick one of the three, here they are in order.

Breasts: Despite none of my serious relationships being with anyone larger than an A cup, I dig boobs. Bigger=Better. This also goes for areola and nipples. Now, I've never felt any fake boobs, so i don't know how I would feel about `em. But they look nice :) Here's a couple of Boob-type-pics. One is just random. The other is Christina Hendricks....the woman I am going to marry.

Legs: Close second. Now, saying I like legs tells you nothing. Most folks know that saying you like boobs means you like big boobs. But saying you like legs doesn't tell you much. I happen to like good thighs and calves. Think tennis players (the female ones for those too stupid to figure out which ones I am talking about). Sorry, no images for this. The ones I found that I liked also showed OTHER parts that I don't think I should be showing on this here blog. Look up Nina Hartley (she also could be looked up for the Butt pics)

Butt: This practially not important to me. That does NOT mean I don't love a nicely curved ass. And when I see one, I definitely take time to appreciate it. But it has much less impact on how I view a woman. Look up Nina Hartley or Lisa Ann (the latter will be MUCH harder to find because of her generic name).

Having said all that, interestingly enough my last few...actually pretty much ALL of my serious relationships (ones that lasted for several months) were almost a reverse of that list. They all tended to be of the 'pear shaped' body type. Most of their weight being in the hips/butt/legs.

Now, we have the big three out of the way. But those don't begin to address all of the possible wonderful things about women.

Skin: This is actually way up top to me. I am generally a very caress-y person (if you are dating me, and I am not always trying to hold your hand or rub you, I'm not that into you or am holding back for some reason). I love smooth skin. Doesn't have to be blemish free (Look down on my love of freckles post). Luckily most women tend to have soft skin. It's part of the twin reasons to date woman for my friend Shag (Soft and they smell good). A good tan can be nice. But so can nice pale skin (but there is a fine line between soft pale skin and someone that needs to get out in the sun more).

Lips: I tend to like full lips. See miss Hendricks above. I like kissing, so good lips give lots to work with :) Also, could have something to do with the DSL factor.

Eyes: Good eyes can captivate me. BUT, it's not something I normally care about until I see a really good pair.

Tummy: I ain't necessarily talking about some totally flat belly. A nice curve can be very sexy. Then again, so can abs :)

Hips: I tend to like a nice hip to waist ratio.

Feet: This is something I never thought I would care about. But I do like nice feet. I like to rub feet (not for my pleasure, but for hers), so having nice ones makes that a more pleasing experience.

Shoulders: Huh? Yeah, I didn't get it either. But, like the feet, I like giving teh massages. Nice shoulders are a pleasure to rub. Mix in good skin and maybe even freckles and you have some good times!

Hair: I tend to like it longer...and preferably not constantly changing style and color. Sadly, women feel the need to mess with this part all the time. Worse, I know plenty of guys who tell their gals not to cut/dye/change their hair...said women usually do it anyway. But God forbid I shave or don't shave...that makes me a jerk of a man! Longer is better, cuz I like running my fingers through it.

Bajingo: Yeah, I really have no opinion on this one. Perhaps that is because It is the last thing I see of a woman if I see it at all. Since I know they all have them, I don't think about it overmuch.

There are probably lots more things. Noses? *shrug* Hands? I suppose.

Now, that is just the physical list. Personality is just as if not more important. I'm not going to say that looks aren't important. I'm a guy. I want to be attracted to who I am with. That does NOT mean they have to be 36-24-36 perfect. And if they are, only if they are 5'3" *whip crack noises*. As I said above, despite my love of mammaries I have dated few women that chart high in that area. I just would like them to be me. And honestly pretty much everyone wants that.

Also, I don't date/not date based on race. I have dated White/Black/Latino and find pretty much everything in between attractive. I'm actually kind of proud that I don't seem to have a 'type' when it comes to looks. Lets me focus on who they are (says that guy who just posted a blog post about female body parts).


T.H. Elliott said...

A good pair of eyes can be distracting. So can a good pair of the boobs. I find I'm a long hair man more and more, though I do want to see Holly with the short sexy cut.

Anonymous said...

You did the Sir Mix A Lot "Baby Got Back" whip crack!

I knew there was a reason we were friends!